Hello world!

I am still working out the kinks in schedules but hope to be hitting the road in about ten days. In the meantime I am trying to set up all my payments electronically so nothing gets lost in the mail…. I also had to get 90 days of my prescription, good thing its not opioids!!

I am working on a zone map now, AAA made a wonderful set of Trip Tiks for me, however the home game schedules don’t quite fit the flow, so I will probably be zig zagging, hoping to get tickets a day or two before the games, because I won’t know where I am going till I get close to there!

I have a tent, a sleeping bag and a National Parks pass, in case I get the opportunity to stop along the way, that may be another blog quest….

Below are photos from my SF Giants Trip on 6 April which was my official starting point, since all my baseball memories begin with the Giants.

At the game in April I had the great fortune to reconnect with Mike Murphy long time Giants equipment manager who once worked with my dad!



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