The Florida Song

It seemed to take forever to drive from the Welcome Center of Florida to the Tampa area, driving through a couple of rain squalls that were a bit scary!

Went to visit my niece Michon who was not able to join me for a game this time but we will catch another one!

Went to Tropicana Field (another juice name) but no Orange today it was the Ray’s vs the Mariners, again I was one of the few Mariners fans on hand. The game was a real nail biter with the Mariners taking an early lead but losing it quickly and the Ray’s added more runs. The Mariners came back at the end leading by 2 in the 9th and trying hard the Rays were only able to score one, giving the Mariners a 5-4 win!My great friend and colleague from Japan Jerry Havens joined me at the game, and afterwards we met his lovely wife Rose at Hawkers a wonderful eatery specializing in Asian “street food “.

3 thoughts on “The Florida Song

  1. I am so glad you had fun at the game. I can’t thank you enough for the time you spent with me before the game. Hope we can go to a game sometime in the near future. Love you

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