
There are several versions of the song, most notably Nina Simone. Today I had the pleasure of visiting Camden Yards a beautiful ballpark in the inner harbor of Baltimore. When I lived near DC in 96-97 this game was the nearest major league park and I went to several games but I don’t ever remember it being as hot as it was today!

Today was also Fathers Day and memories of my dad were everywhere!

This ballpark has a sort of geo-cache adventure where you go to 5 different locations and then get a prize! Because I was early (as usual) I found all 5 sites and ended up with an Orange luggage tag which is appropriate! This was my 13th ballpark so 17 more !

1 thought on “Baltimore

  1. Fun! That sounds exciting. We are now in Dallas. Going to Oklahoma City after here. I will keep checking your schedule to see the best meeting place for us. Be safe and enjoy!

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