Finding Niimo

No, not the clown fish, the very agile left fielder for the NY Mets!

Last night I went to Citi Field home of the Mets, and if Yankee stadium screams “Corporate ” this one is much more fan-centric. Located in Queens it is directly under a flight departure pathway for La Guardia Airport, over 15 plans flew over in the first inning alone, but fans don’t seem to mind!

My seat was very near the left field at the end of the netting where the Ball Boy sits. At the breaks in play all kinds of kids would swarm down to try to get a baseball!

Lots of diversity in the crowd and the food options, I tried something a little different:

They are “fried balls” filled with all sorts of goodies, this 6 pack served in a small egg carton had 6 different things from Mac & cheese to risotto and a sweet one with chocolate and hazelnut!

I toured the park and found some fun areas including a tribute to the previous Stadium!

By the way the Dodgers were the visiting team and there were plenty of Dodger fans there, some from as far back as when they were called the Bronx Bombers!

The game started out slowly, no score until the 6th inning when the Dodgers loaded the bases and managed to send a homer, the sportscaster here called it a Grand Salami.

The Mets followed with a 2 run homer, but couldn’t produce anymore runs and the Dodgers won 5 – 2.

3 thoughts on “Finding Niimo

  1. Looks like you’re having a wonderful time. The Fried Balls look tasty. I never really appreciated baseball, but I’m envious of your passion for the sport.

  2. The Dodgers were never called the Bronx Bombers, that was the Yankees because Yankee stadium was in the Bronx. The Dodgers were always affectionately called the Brooklyn Bums. They played at Ebberts field in Brooklyn until Walter O’Malley abandoned his fans and moved them to L.A.

    1. Jim thanks I stand corrected I just noticed a Dodgers fan wearing a shirt that said that, I should have known he was a Yankees fan rooting against the Mets

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