Rocky Mountain High

On Tuesday 4 September I flew to Denver in order to complete my 30 Ballpark Odyssey! Joining me in Denver were my oldest sister Anne & her husband Thad and my brother Bill!

The stadium has a magnificent view of the Rocky Mountains and in the “nosebleed ” section there is a purple line of seats which are “Mile High”! Prior to the game we visited the National Baseball Museum which is a block away from Coors Field.

The museum is small but filled with some unique baseball artifacts, dedicated to 14 Classic Ballparks you can find out more at

The Giants were visiting so we were dressed in our SF gear along with several hundred other fans! The crowd was small but spirited and due to some terrible pitching the Rockies came from behind in the 7th inning and won 6-2.

As I approached guest relations about getting my passport stamped I expressed my disappointment in not having a special stamp of completion that several other stadiums said they give for the 30th ballpark. The gentleman in the photo above said wait a minute and proceeded to bestow on me a Rockies cap and jersey!

Thank you so much!

I am often asked which is your favorite ballpark and with 30 now to compare my next blogs will look at some of my favorites , however as a rule my favorite ballpark is usually the one I am in at the time.

1 thought on “Rocky Mountain High

  1. Sounds like a wonderful finish for the visit to the 30! Looking forward to reading the blogs about the parks!

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